The week before last I finally got around to reading Naomi Klein’s post-Trumplection book “No Is Not Enough”

It is very good, particularly in the first half we she expounds on how Trump is not The Problem, he is a symptom of The Problem. The logical consequence of what came before – if not Trump then something else just the same. 

Very easy to read she goes on to critique the negativity inherent in always being against things, protesting about this or that, shuffling through the streets chanting slogans, always on the back foot and failing to ignite the fire within. 

It’s that time of year again – the fruits are coming in, redcurrants are done and what the blackbirds didn’t grab are in the freezer (didn’t make jelly this year, but Jane’s Redcurrant ice-cream is delicious and there are several pounds of berries in the freezer for future use), blackcurrants are looking good and starting to pick although the blackbirds are having a go at them too, looks like there might be good crops of plums, pears, apples and some medlars as well. 

Let us start by making one thing very clear. Based on what I heard, if I had had a vote in the last US presidential election I would not have voted for Mr. Trump. Nor would I have voted for Mrs. Clinton. I’m not sure who the minor candidates were but if there were none acceptable (how ecologically sound are the american greens?) then at least over there it is a recognised option to write in your own preference on the ballot paper.

I’ve no idea if this is a true story, or a bit of self-publicity by a pundit:

If a true story then you probably need, once you have got over your anger, decide whether you need to do anything about it – it is, after all, a direct threat to you.