ask WHY all the way down the chain before you get suckered

I am finding all of the leftist calls to “stand against fascism” in the current slightly febrile atmosphere being stoked up by media puppet masters and seeping its insidious way into the minds of otherwise sane people increasingly distressing.

I have seen trenchant calls from the muslim communities in Britain not to rise to the bait of the obviously choreographed ‘protests’ by those being called fascists. Often these calls for restraint correctly identify at least part of the chain of interests that is the organising force behind event - Robinson as an Israeli asset being a part of that chain.

What I have not seen is any similar depth of analysis from either ‘right’ or ‘left’ in the British people who are allowing themselves to be moved as pawns in this game and set against each other.

As far as I can make out the puppet masters are yanking the strings of their assets like Starmer, Farage and Robinson to get their followers whipped up into some kind of frenzy over an totally imaginary threat and become preoccupied with fighting each other.

Working class British who feel (rightly or wrongly, but it is how they feel that matters) dis-empowered and to a large extent excluded as third class citizens in their own country.
Who have suffered most under 30 years of imposed austerity under the globalist neo-liberal agenda that has taken over the country.
Who have seen their communities and culture within society eviscerated and destroyed - a process in which they have willingly engaged, as they have traded real social contacts for social media, and became captivated by baubles.
Who have had their capacity for independent thought atrophied by full-on propaganda from the media arm of the military-industrial-political-media-academic complex (mipmac).
Who see the rich getting ever richer as they have ceded their own power of collective action to individualism.
All of this, and much more, has left them frustrated and looking for someone to blame for their predicament.

Naturally the powers that be (TPTB - I refuse to dignify them with the title ‘the Elite’ because that implies they are somehow the best, when in fact they are some of the most self-centred and worst people in society) can not afford to let them direct their anger at the actual components that have created this situation - the mipmac - and so, as so often in the past, are diverting the people's energy into tilting at windmills.

So Robinson, Farage and Stramer point them at the ‘others’ in our society whose presence is easily identified by culture, language and appearance. ‘Blame the refugees and migrants for your ills and take to the streets to give us an excuse to further crack down on ‘dissent’ in the name of maintaining ‘order’ which is surely what you want. You need more order in your (pathetic little) lives to help you feel less helpless and lost’. Actually they need empowerment, a seat at the table and control for themselves instead of being controlled by TPTB

During the recent events we have seen some of the most insidiously disgusting domestic reporting ever in the legacy media (with ole auntie beeb leading the charge) as they seek to subtly ‘other’ sections of society and pit us against ourselves.

At the same time the ‘left’ have fallen right into the trap. Having been brought up on stories of their parents’ and grandparents’ and great grandparents’ fights against capitalist oppression of the 19th century working class and the need to fight Nazism in the 20th century. Having been more or less well educated since the 50’s and able to mostly lead a middle class life, they are now the core of what leftist groups exist - those involved in leftist, peace, socialist, refugee support, green, XR, or eco activities almost all identify as middle class with working class aspirations (I’m ignoring the old working class left who were the bedrock of socialism in the last century as they have been effectively neutered by the changes since the 1990s - see above - and are now more likely to be responding to the dog-whistles from the rightist puppet-masters).

However these people are largely as brainwashed by propaganda and captivated by the trappings of consumerism as their compatriots who are on the streets on the other side seeking to ‘take back Britain’. Try talking to a peace group who are organising around protesting the outrages in Gaza about the causes of the war in Ukraine and you’ll get a full on set of TPTB talking points about “Russian threat”, “Putin dictator”, “unprovoked invasion”, etc etc (all demonstrably false) without stopping for a moment to consider the explicit Nazi (never mind fascist) ethos of the Kiev regime, or the history of events and UK government involvement since 2013 (never mind going back further to the creation of Ukraine or into 20th century history). Ethnic cleansing is not okay if Israel does it, but is okay if Kiev does it?

So they respond as programmed and go and stand in the streets to oppose “fascists” - who by and large are nothing of the sort (see above), when what they should do is use their education and what critical thinking capacity they have retained to look a little deeper.

Ask the questions and don’t take easy first level answers. Why are these ‘right-wingers’ on the streets? Who exactly are they? What is driving them? Why are they allowing themselves to be driven? What is it they care about?

As you dive down the layers it becomes clearer and clearer that the so-called right-wing sentiment springs from the same sources as your own disconnection from TPTB. There is actually common cause to be made here. Yes perhaps the right wing need a little more understanding of what they see as the proximate problems (migrants, refugees, cultural destruction), but the left wing also need a bit more understanding of the problems that an excessive focus on diversity inclusivity and equity produces in the cultural domain and a better understanding of the difference between refugee and migrant and the consequences of open borders.

Most of all both ‘sides’ need to see that the problems they are addressing stem from the same roots - call it globalisation, neo-liberalism, or simply greed. And that the enemy is not some ‘other’ (fossil fuels, meat-eating, resource consumption, pollution) but the structures and tools of the mipmac that creates these problems.

Once that becomes clear then then we can stop throwing stones at mosques and instead break supermarket windows, we can stop setting fire to hostels and start burning down advertising hoardings, we can stop attacking police vehicles and start attacking television studios, we can stop sitting on M25 gantries and instead blockade newspaper printing works.

The revolution will not be televised - because if it is it will have failed.

Things will only get ‘better’ for the rich while the current system prevails.

The System will not die unless it is cut off at the roots.

Time to take up our axes, hone them to a keen edge, and attack the causes not the symptoms of our malaise.



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