So here we are again, five months and a couple of days on from the last time I posted here. Not that I haven't thought about it; many times I've composed some comment or other on the world and her ways as they seemed to me - but somehow they never got translated from head stuff through the fingers to stuff you can read.

So maybe a fresh start is needed. What, after all, is the point of this place? Its primary purpose is to collect and work up random eco-green ideas as they arise to put them into something I can later refer back to. The audience is my future self. Since I am now my future self, what would I like to see here today that my past self wrote something about over the past year?

Firstly lets deal with immediate matters and then maybe fall back to previous ones.

Rupert Read has recently published a couple of things (one of which is partly about a new book he has coming out) which deserve a mention. Both are related to XR doings, and both I am in nearly complete agreement with. It is worth stressing that up front lest you get the impression that because I have a couple of minor comments or queries or even differences of emphasis you get the false impression that I somehow disagree with Rupert - I do not.

Well I see that it has been just over five months since I last posted on here. Not that I haven't been doing stuff since February - my March blog post on Green-History sometimes-the-present-takes-priority gives some of the reasons for the silence. In addition a fair amount of reading, including Goldsmith's "The Way" and Jeremy Lent's "The Patterning Instinct" - both of which I will right short reviews/reactions/commentaries on on here dreckly - and also a constant stream of stimulating ideas from other sources, plus some personal action and involvement in other public actions.

But I'm back here so I'll start with a short roundup of the five months. 

As a nerdy addendum to the previous post it reminded me of a thing when I worked as an engineer in the fringes of media and communication.

There was something called the Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) model that was a conceptual tool to describe how a communication system or network could be seen as a hierarchy of seven specific layers which received messages and passed them up and down the chain to the adjacent layers.