This site uses content that is worked up in my private workspace and vaguely relates to green eco-anarchist ideas.

It may also include material that is copied from other authors if I find them particularly relevant, in which case there will be a link and attribution to the original source and the date it was captured.

More usually a simple link and a summary will suffice.

The site is not regularly updated, only as and when I have time and inclination to add something. The real purpose is not for you to read, although you are welcome to do so, and add comments if you wish – comments are moderated and may be edited before posting (ie censored by me).

The reason for creating this is so that I have a convenient place to gather and organise more or less complete thoughts while the Internet is still available. A backup is taken regularly in the form of a paper printed version which should prove more durable than this ephemeral medium and will allow me to continue the collection once internet access ceases.

At the time of writing this introduction (2014) I have only a vague idea as to how the organisation will proceed, on this site the initial main view will be of posts in descending date order, but this is only a temporary structure.

July 2014

About Me

I am a 69 year old mammal (born 1952 by my culture's counting) living in the Upper Tamar Valley, although I range across the British Isles and Northern Europe by land and sea.

During my life so far I have been a moderately serious climate and social and ecological criminal, responsible for, and complicit in destruction and damage to the web of systems that sustain me. (I called it a career, and used to be proud of it)

I still routinely consume, although to a declining extent, resources and products that cause continuing damage.

I am custodian of a couple of acres of land supporting fruiting trees and shrubs and producing food for my personal community without the use of non-renewable or non-sustainable external inputs. The land is also slowly increasing the diversity of life forms it supports and I hope to leave it in better heart than I found it.

I sometimes scratch on this wall in an seldom visited corner of the interweb for my own amusement. Occasionally I invite someone to have a look at my scribblings, but there is no more to it than that. Pass along please...nothing to see here.